Saddington & Baynes
A studio specialized on post-production and digital retouching for advertising.
Art Streiber
Based in L.A., the city of the stars, specialized on shooting the stars
Marla Rutherford
A stunning creativity and impeccable technique from this photographer based in Los Ángeles
Annie Leibovitz for Lavazza calendar 2009
Annie Leibovitz have created the photos in the Lavazza calendar for 2009
LSD photographers
Astounding advertising works with a perfect digital technique from this italian studio
Photography with strong character; his studio have seen all the stars and celebrities from the sky.
Spectacular and inspiring works from this photographic studio specialized on retouching, 3D and advertising photography
Alex Prager
Scenographic photography that seems extracted from a movie, dramatic and story-telling images.
Garrigosa Studio
High quality works for the hard advertising photography world, made in Spain
Ryan Robinson
Advertising photography with sense of humour, an excellent portfolio full of ideas and high-quality works.
Annie Leibovitz for Lavazza calendar 2009
Making of the photos in the prestigious Lavazza calendar for 2009
Helmut Newton by June
An inspiring film of surprising sincerity where you'll see the daily work of the photographer who have changed fashion photography forever.
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