Photographer in Moscow, Moskva, Russia

I enjoy my profession!

As the great ancient thinker Confucius once said: "Choose a job you like, and you won't have to work a single day in your life!".
And it's true, friends.
I enjoy 😌 my profession!
And there are countless reasons why I love her.

The art of photography 🎞makes me happy, I do not stop improving in this area, I study 👨🎓 and improve my skills every day.
Photography allows you to see the world 🌍 on a larger scale, tell a story and share 📸 it, as well as give positive emotions and smiles ☺️ to your customers...

Ph: @safronoviv_photo
Md: @Nastyavinogradovvva
Loc: @pixel24.ru


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