Photographer in Moscow, Moskva, Russia

What is the most difficult part of my job?

"All professions are important, all professions are needed" - this rhyme from childhood has a deep meaning.

Indeed, each profession is unique and complex in its own way.
Someone saves lives, someone teaches children, someone puts out fires...

Each activity has its own difficulties. And the profession of a photographer is no exception.

For yourself, you are both an accountant, a PR man, a director, and a performer in one person, and for clients you are also a little bit of a psychologist.

Proper staging, lighting, selection of photos, their subsequent processing, long purchase of consumables ... I think there are enough examples. But as soon as I see happiness from the results of work in the eyes of my customers and hear kind, sincere words, I understand that all this is not in vain! ♥️

Ph: @safronoviv_photo
Md: @safronovajv


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